Just Move.
The message at the end of the day.
Exercising regularly is one of the best things you can do for your health.
The human body is amazing, you challenge it a little and regularly enough, it adapts.
I’m not just saying you should exercise because I’m a qualified personal trainer.
I’m saying you should exercise because it’s actually really good for you.
It’s recommended that you do at least 150 minutes of physical activity over the course of a week, or 75 minutes’ vigorous activity, or a mixture of both.
That’s really only 30 mins across 5 days.
Or 15 minutes intense exercise across 5 days.
Exercise does not have to be complicated. So uncomplicate it.
Better yet focus on the kind of exercise you enjoy.
If you played sports as a kid it could be as simple as visiting your local sports team and signing up to play football, also you kill two birds with one stone.
Playing a sport you love and gaining an oppurtunity to meet new friends.
Or you could join your local sports centre and rekindle your love of swimming all over again.
If you need more ideas you can follow this link…
I think with the rise of fitness influncers on social media we think we are supposed to ‘exercise a certain way’ as well as ‘look’ a certain way whilst doing it.
There’s no right or wrong way to exercise there’s only what’s right for you.
If you got into the gym lifting weights and you enjoy doing that, that’s perfect, good for you.
Resistance exercise like lifting weights or using resistance bands serves to strengthen your muscles. The stronger your muscles are, the harder they can work which has the added benefit of making life easier when it comes to everyday tasks.
You also shouldn’t neglect your cardio. Whilst you’re focused on training and building your exterior muscles, it’s key not to neglect the muscle inside that never gets a break.
I’m referring to your heart!
Aerobic exercise is when you’re moving your body in a way that makes you warm and slightly out of breath like when walking, cycling or running.
This type of exercise helps your heart and circulatory system work more efficiently, lowering your blood pressure and resting heart rate.
It also helps you maintain a healthy weight and improves cholesterol levels.
Told you exercise was good for you.
There are loads more benefits, but I’ll save it for another blog post.
In the meantime, what are you waiting for? Get a move on!