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Why men’s health and wellness?

Because men’s health matters.

(And, to be honest, the vast majority of people seeking my advice have been men - be it in the gym, at the barber, or just generally whilst out and about.)

At the same time though, health is essential for overall well-being and quality of life and should be a priority.

Men, just like women, face unique health concerns that require attention and proactive measures.

What I’m trying to say is health and wellness is vital.

Being a man can involve juggling various roles as partners, fathers, caregivers and breadwinners.

While the focus on men's health and wellness has traditionally been slow on the uptake, it’s important to recognise we can all do better.

To really prioritise men's health and wellness, it does require a collective effort.

Alongside taking ownership and responsibility for one’s own individual well-being,

Making your health a priority by making conscious choices: 

-adopting healthful lifestyle habits such as regular exercise, a balanced diet, and sufficient sleep.

-staying informed about the specific health risks and screenings that are recommended for men, and not hesitating to schedule regular check-ups with healthcare professionals.

-connecting with and reaching out to the right people when you’re not feeling your best.

For example, when was the last time you even visited the dentist? Or scheduled a general health check up? Or even took a sexual health screening test? It’s all part of it.

But personal responsibility isn’t enough.

Creating a supportive environment that fosters open conversations about men's health requires a collective effort, as I mentioned earlier.

Meaning you don’t have to do it alone.

It does however, take you caring enough to take action and make informed choices.
With the abundance of information out there, it might seem pretty overwhelming to even know where to begin..

Still, if you do feel like getting serious about your health and wellness.

Make a commitment. Prioritise it.

Remember what you do matters - and you can start making a difference today.

Oh, and sign up to the newsletter why don’t you, it only takes a second.